Trimoorty Autodeco > ROGERS Corporation.

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ROGERS Corporation.

  • Rogers corporation is US base organization- founded in 1832

  • Rogers HPF material solutions. (Poron and Bisco)

  • We Trimoorty are preferred convertor of Rogers Corporation in India

  • We convert ROGERS material as per customer requirement and supplying to various segment customer.

Application of ROGERS Material

  • Automotive – EV/HEV

  • Connected Devices- Infotainment

  • Aerospace & Defence

  • Portable Electronics

  • Footwear & Impact Mitigation

  • Printing

  • Wind & Solar energy

  • Rail- Metro, Bullet train

  • Wired Infrastructure

  • Wireless Infrastructure

  • Electronic

  • General Industrial – Electrical Motor, etc..

If You Need Any Industrial Solution ... We Are Available For You

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